Online job portals have been around for a
while and they don’t work so well.
Part of the reason they don’t work so well
is that most of the “popular” job boards are generalist job boards. They
generate volumes of resumes as accountants, chefs, electricians, engineers and
others mull together in one melting pot searching and applying for jobs which
may seem great to the job seeker but to the employer putting the ad out, is
totally irrelevant. That’s why employers are turning off generalist job boards.
In fact to counter this mishmash of resumes being submitted, automated bots
have come into existence, to sift through what are thousands of resumes with
the bot looking for key words. This has sprouted a new industry of those who
write resumes for job seekers looking to stuff their resumes with appropriate
key words. But that too does not work. Because key word stuffing may
(and that is a big MAY) get you to the second stage, but if this is not
targeted or borders on gilding the lily, then you’re going to be knocked out in
the first interview which eventuates.
This then takes us to specialist job
boards. But specialist job boards do not have the critical mass to begin with,
nor have the resources which large job boards have. So they limp along with
several being born each year and several dying each year, so there is never one
which continues long enough to gain momentum.
But now there is a specialist jobs board
for electricians called electricianXchange which is backed by NECA (National
Electrical & Communications Association). NECA has been around in Australia
for 103 years. Its financially a well backed industry association and has over
the years done a lot to improve the standing of electricians through industry.
The benefit of electricianXchange is that
it is focused. The jobs you find here are only electrician jobs. And the people
who apply through this job board are electricians only. So, it’s easier to find
each other.
Another benefit is that because it is in
its early days, every employer is entitled to a free job post on
electricianXchange. Free. Yes, all the advantage of having industry drive
traffic to your job – at no cost to you to trail this out. And the second time
when you come around to placing your job ad, the cost is about half of what
you’d pay to the large generalist job sites. Plus we can guide you in your job
ad design so you get the best out of your ad placed. So if you are looking for A Grade Electricians or CEC accredited
electricians, come to electricianXchange and experience the difference. Find a
job, post a job or hire in temporary electricians through electricianXchange
electrician jobs